Financially-focused New Year’s resolutions are popular, and whether it’s saving more money, paying off debt, or becoming more informed about credit, the experts at GreenPath can help ensure they are resolutions that stick. GreenPath, a national non-profit, offers judgment-free counseling and free advice to anyone ready to live with financial freedom.

World, meet Greenpath.

GreenPath is a trusted national non-profit that has been serving the nation since 1961. From an overall budget review to managing credit card debt, the caring, N.F.C.C.-certified counselors at GreenPath work daily, creating resources, meeting one-on-one, and empowering people to find the best solution and support at each stage in their financial journeys.

Here’s the best part.

Everyone who contacts GreenPath through our partnership receives a free financial counseling session. Everyone is dealing with different money matters—credit card debt, student loans, and paying a monthly mortgage, to name a few. 

Ready to know more?

If you’re ready to dig in for more on your own, you can visit Greenpath on the web here. You can even get a taste of what they offer through their virtual financial coach, “Lea.” Find more on Lea here.

Take the plunge.

You’re ready to dive into a personalized plan that’s right for you. Take the first step and call them today. It’s free, no pressure, and 100% confidential (and judgment-free). Call 1-877-337-3399 or request an appointment online using their call request form.

And when you’re ready to visit us, we’re prepared to support you and answer your questions.

(P.S. – If you’re more of a Social Media person, D.M. us on Facebook or Instagram, and we’ll set you up with someone perfect for you and your goals.)