Talking money is a love language unto itself. Learning how to speak is easier than you think!
Is it that big a deal?
Yes, it is. We get it; having the money talk (especially early on in a new relationship) can be awkward. But not having it is even worse—money-related issues often cause severe heartbreak at any stage in the relationship.
When should I bring it up?
Honestly? ASAP. It is better to be aware of money deal-breakers before becoming too invested. Some discussions happen on their own. Others might need a little push. But they should all happen sooner rather than later.
What do we talk about?
Anything and everything. Just remember: People have differing levels of comfort with money. So listen closely, with an open mind, and skip the judgment. Need a hint or two to help you get started? Here are some ideas:
- Your income. Sharing your income – and how that may evolve – offers insight into the lifestyle you can afford together. Bonus: Discussing your intended career paths can help you decide how to support each other throughout your journey.
- Your financial stats. Like credit score and debt load. No matter how low or high, these numbers explain where you come from financially. And how to plan ahead.
- Your money philosophies. We break down money-handling compatibility here.
- Your long-term money goals. Whatever your plans for the future (big and little dreams), your partner needs to be on board. And vice versa.
Phew! That sounds like a lot.
Oh yeah, one more thing. It’s important to discuss your financial future together. To join or not to join (accounts, that is) is usually the first talk. We break that down even further here on our blog. And, if it’s any consolation, there are no correct answers. Every relationship grooves to its own tune. The only important part? Make sure you’re stepping to the same beat.
And then we’ve covered everything, right??
Wrong. Like with your emotions, checking in with your money regularly is vital. It’s up to you to keep each other accountable, encouraged, and on your way to reaching your financial goals – together.
There’s no rush and no formula. Finances, whether combined or personal, are a work in progress. Armed with a new partner in crime and a team excited for you to begin this new phase of life, anything is possible!
(P.S. – If you’re more of a Social Media person, D.M. us on Facebook or Instagram, and we’ll set you up with someone perfect for you and your goals.)