It’s that time of the year again to clean and organize. What better time to also clean up and unclutter your finances. Use these tips to help you spring clean your finances:

Start with your budget. 

Since your budget is probably the most critical piece of your financial planning, start here. Take an afternoon to go over your spending during the past few months.

Notice any problem-spending areas? Or are there any areas where you’re budgeting more than you need to? Adjust your budget accordingly.

While you’re at it, see how well you’ve been sticking to your budget. If you find yourself continually tweaking your budget throughout the month, you’re spending too much time on it! Work to simplify your budget by creating fewer, broader categories. You’ll still keep your spending in check, but your budget will take up less headspace.

Clean Up Your Credit

Get a free annual credit report from each of the three major credit reporting companies through Review each to see if there are errors and clear them up with the credit reporting companies.

Review Regular Expenses and Purge

Do you need all those online subscriptions? Do you eat out more often than you need to? See where you can eliminate expenses on things you don’t use or can do without.

Shred Documents You Don’t Need

Keep receipts until the warranties expire or the credit card statement arrives. Keep account statements and pay stubs for one year, then shred them.

Update Beneficiaries

If there have been changes to your family, update your retirement and insurance accounts, and review your will.

Spring clean your finances and be ready to face the rest of the year with confidence!